
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Riley's first Halloween- steppin' out with Chef Brittany

  Riley so enjoyed riding around in a pot for her first Halloween. Chef Brittany & her lobster were a hit!

Flying lobster

Riley had a great time on her first Halloween. It was a cold night, lots of snow on the ground but mom & dad kept the lobster toasty warm.
Hope your Halloween was fun
Hugs, Deb

Both the rescued momma cats had their kittens this weekend. I'll be dropping over soon to take some photos.

window cats

"Why does it rain, Mr. Ed?"
"Another reason to nap, Rae-Rae"

                love cats in windows and hope to find some on my daily walk with my dog. The above cat watches us every day from the same window......

I love to walk but sometimes I think I should get back into yoga.  It's just that sometimes you get yourself into trouble and need help to get out.
from web

hugs, Deb

Happy Halloween and please
keep your cats indoors.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

No pudgy cats with the cat-dancer

It is teaming rain here today so I am in relaxing and playing with my cats. My #1  2-thumbs and 4-paws up favorite cat toy is the cat-dancer. It never fails..I can get every one of my old cats up off their behinds and they are ballet-ing across the room to catch the little make-believe bug. I tried chasing it myself but I made too much noise (apparently) so I guess I will stick to sit-ups. Rae-Rae has come so close to a concussion from jumping in the air in pursuit of this cardboard bug that I now have to be sure she is on a carpet or something a little softer than the hard-wood floor. She Loves It!

Do purchase one of these and you will have more laughs and your kitty will get more exercise than ever before. One of these would make a great stocking stuffer for your cat.

 Lots of bookings coming in for Christmas. I look so forward to seeing all these cats, some that I haven't seen in a long time and at Christmas an added bonus...Christmas Trees all decorated and brightly lit. I am always amazed at how the cats don't bother the Christmas tree while their owners are out spreading Christmas cheer. Now that is cats....not kittens. That would be a different story.

hugs, Deb

Saturday morning

"Mornin' Nan..sorry to wake you but the birds are on our roof and a cat has to do what a cat has to do"
Fine, Rae-Rae. It's time for a tea and then out for breakfast this morning. We are heading to our favorite breakfast place and then lots of shopping today. I'll try to fit in an extra walk today too as I am still trying to drop 7 lbs. Boy, it's not easy when you are my age.
I've loaded up on apples so I have no excuse for eating chips when the hunger pains start.

Cali is the top-cat in our home and always was (18 years) She picked the highest spot to call her own and sleeps there every night across from our bed. She's feeling better today. :)

I'm a little excited about a phone call from Shelly who is our local cat rescue foster home. She scooped up 2 pregnant cats from our pound before they could be euthanized and took them home to care for them and let them have their babies. 
                                                                                                      (from web)

They were both very close to delivering and she called to say "They are both in labour and 2 wee ones are here. They are doing fine although one kitten had to be helped along by our local veterinarian but she is home now. Shelly will stay with them all day until they are all born and said she would let me know tonight how it all turned out. These kittens will now have the opportunity to be adopted into good homes at 10 weeks and we'll do our very best to find loving homes for the moms. They are both beautiful and I'll have pictures soon.
Have a great day!

hugs Deb 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Otis Redding he's not but for a cat he's not bad.

First off, this is lovely Lola. She was abandoned years ago and rescued by one of my cat-sitting clients. She's just a youngun' so she's very playful and spunky. I had fun with her today.

Lola lives with Otis who is the man-cat of the household and is a big goof-ball. He loves to sit and chat awhile. He is telling me here that he is a great singer and if I play my cards right he just may belt out a song for me.
Rosie is the top-cat in this home and has little use for any cat-sitter. I just pretend I don't care which I think ticks her off but we have an understanding and she allows me to wait on her. "Perform your duties and no talking from the staff"
Here's where I turn the radio off in the house so I can get the full benefit of the amazing, soulful voice of Mr. Otis Shedding....

It was a pleasure once again to care for these three munchkins. Always entertaining.
Now on to...

The many faces of a cat
Making faces is a fundamental mode of feline communication. A happy cat has perky ears, pupils normal for the prevailing light level and relaxed whiskers. An angry cat keeps its ears erect but furled back; its pupils constrict to slits and its whiskers bristle forwards. A frightened cat is wide-eyed and lays its ears and whiskers flat. A cat playing or hunting wears a face between those of anger and fear; the pupils are open but the ears are pricked and, like the whiskers, thrust forward. The pleasure of being petted shows in the half-closed eyes of the face of ecstasy.

I bet you'll look at your cat's face a little closer today. Who says we don't understand 'the cat'. :)

hugs, Deb

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to the vet we go......

Lily was  off to the vet's office yesterday to have her ears checked. It looked very black in there and she was scratching so I feared she may have ear-mites. She did not. She had a build-up in her ears caused by probably an allergy to something. Great! Now to try and figure out what it is that is causing inflammation and a gross black discharge in just one ear. My vet said that when there is a black build-up of wax in the left ear it is usually an allergy. Interesting...the left ear only. She is now on Surolan Topical Drops for awhile.

Little Cali is having some off-days. I think it is time to have her blood checked again. It is no easy feat taking care of many cats in your home. It is a lot of work and you are always concerned about someone. With 5 seniors this is constant. I always worry that the visit may introduce a disease of some sort and then usually it is a slippery slope from there. Cali is my concern right now.
I'm keeping positive and hoping Lily's ear calms down and she gets some relief. She is not a car-cat. No siree..she hates the car and screeches like an opera singer the whole way.

I have been busy cat-sitting the last two days and enjoyed a play-time with Otis today. He's nuts! He loves to  chase a rope and jump in the air. He doesn't mind one bit landing on his head.
I'm back to the juicing now to get myself healthier. I know what to do to be healthier...."I just need discipline."
*FLASH* - anyone who follows my blog knows of a lady in my town who helps our Animal Control officer with stray cats by taking them into her home and adopts them from there. She works long hours and is very dedicated to the cats. Well, Shelly just became a grandma. "Congratulations, Grandma. Being a new Nan myself I can tell you that you are going to love it."

hugs, Deb 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Joe & Rae-Rae moving on

 Since Joey & Rae-Rae have been staying with us, things have changed a bit around here. They arrived in May with their litter box, dinner bowls and the attitude that most young cats own. Rae-Rae had no fear and presented herself to the ol' ones with great confidence. Joe hid in a room until he conjured up some nerve and then entered our livingroom, puffed up like a peacock and ready to strutt his stuff. He demanded to be an indoor-outdoor cat so off he went with his name-tag on with my daughter's supervision and Rae-Rae was happy just to explore the new digs and get to know the geriatrics. **Zoooooom** became her nick-name as most times she was just a streak of colour going by and to this day I can't believe she has any brain-cells left after crashing into the kitchen wall hundreds of times in pursuit of a run-away fuzzy mouse. Her appetite was disgraceful (this gal did not eat like a bird) and she would knock over the 'ol ones to be the first to the food dish. It was like watching a game of bowling....pins flying everywhere. She'd eat and then lay beside the others and watch them eat. She found them very amusing and sometimes would try to play with their tails while they ate. *BAFF!* She'd get it..right in the noggin'. She learned eventually that the 'ol ones called the shots and she was to behave. Joe & Rae-Rae were good buddies when he was around but his time was spent outside keeping our area free of rodents. He is a hunter and that's that.

They will be packing up their litter box, dinner bowls & their attitude soon to be moving on. I'll be handing an extra suitcase to Rae to fill with all her fuzzy mice (after they are retrieved from under the fridge). Sure, I spoiled her with trinkets and she probably is a little chubby because of all the treats but she will exercise it off soon running the stairs at her new home. I think the 'ol ones will be happy to see the tail-end of these two since they like the quiet life now and have no interest in watching a male cat strutt around like Dirty Harry. They prefer to play board-games.
 I am going to miss them. Joe makes me laugh and I have fallen completely in love with Rae.

 She rubs her head on my face when I pick her up..."You belong to me" she is saying. Yes, I do Rae. I counted the blocks from my home to their new home and it is 7. I can make that in 5 minutes with my runners on. :)

hugs, Deb

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seniors need a little more attention

I have 4 senior cats. They are all at different stages of their life but they all do require more attention now. What do they need mostly, you ask? :) They need love and hugs and every day give them a 'once-over' with your hand to check for any changes on the body.
The old cats get rather batty at times. I have had one on my lap and another one jump up without looking and land right on top of a very surprised kitty. They don't even look anymore.
Their vision is not what it used to be (whose is?) and their reasoning is a little foggy.

They're old but they are wise in the cat-world and they have taught me a thing or two.
They have taught me to relax and sleep on it.
Stop, listen and then, if necessary, ignore.
Not to eat more than I can carry.
If something is in my way, stop and play with it.
Teach others how to treat you. Don't accept abuse and still wag your tail but don't take it so personally. Just go somewhere else where there may be a sunbeam.
Always be yourself and flaunt your best side.
If you really want something from someone just stand in front of them and stare...freaks them out everytime :)

gosh,  I love cats!

Just think, someday this little guy will teach his owner a thing or two...

hugs, Deb

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A rescuer, a friend

My little white cat, Lilly came to live with me 10 years ago when a dear friend had to go into a retirement home and all her cats had to be placed elsewhere. I chose Lilly (who was then named Sara) because she reminded me of Rita herself; shy but funny and very loving. Lilly has always been MY cat and seeks me out to sit on and settle down for a long cuddle. Lilly was rescued by Rita when she was a kitten. She was found in a barn at the back of Rita's property and was a very thin and sickly kitten. Rita always had many cats as she would take them off the street and sometimes adopt them from a local shelter. Now when I say she had many I mean between 20 and 25 at most times. It never fazed her that she was actually living with the cats and not the cats with her. Her home was set up for them and because she was a retired senior when I met her she never spent money on herself...only the cats.

Today Rita died. I knew she was ill and visited her yesterday at the hospital. She was only semi-conscious but I know she knew I was there. I could tell by her little smile.

Lilly is close by me tonight and I want her to know that the woman who saved her from a terrible death when she was a kitten many years ago died today and that I will treasure having her with me even more now.
"Thank you Rita for saving her and so many others and for always putting a smile on my face. You were a treasure and a savior for so many animals. I know God has something special for you to do in heaven. Rest in Peace now."


OK! This is good. We have a new Mayor as of last night and guess who is her cat-sitter? Well, what have we here? A little excited, slightly puffed-up and proud mom today. Like, we aren't enough for ya? And his name is Toad. *sounds of disgust* and all she can say is "He's a big, cool orange guy and he eats with gusto" You want to see gusto? I'll give ya gusto! She is so fickle! Ohhh.....we might as well learn to live with these outbursts of excitement around here. She's probably going to sit the whole town's cats soon. Anyone want an adorable, overly-affectionate, a teenie-weenie bit over-weight, box-lovin' kitty to love? Send resumes by mail (preferably in a big box along with some temptation treats) *wink...wink*


Monday, October 25, 2010

Never too late to celebrate.

Sunday I had the gang over to celebrate Thanksgiving. The Canadian Thanksgiving was 2 weeks ago but it wasn't going to work out for me to have a dinner so we planned for this weekend. My family can eat a turkey dinner any time so we celebrated, enjoyed each other's company & ATE!

By the end of the evening Riley was tired, Nan was red-cheeked and pooped and Rae-Rae was outta-here.

So, better late than never and we had a great time.

Cat-tip-for the day=^..^=Why choose a cat?
Cats have many advantages when it comes to you choosing a household pet. They are scrupulously clean and generally need little of no house-training. They require less care and attention than other household pets while providing excellent companionship, love and loyalty. BUT a cat's love has to be earned; unlike many dogs, it will not give devotion to a domineering owner. Once given, however, the love is life-long and will survive even prolonged absences. 


Hugs, Deb

Saturday, October 23, 2010

kitty maids and cat-tip-for-the-day=^..^=nail trimming

Woke up this morning to SNOW on the pumpkins. Sigh! Can't seem to escape this stuff. Joe went out  for his morning ritual and jumped a foot in the air when he stepped into the 'white stuff' He's such a clown!
I have a busy day of cat-sitting, shopping for a dinner party tomorrow and removing all cat hair from my home. That's a joke! ha..ha.. I decided I will attach swiffers to each of the cat's and let them do the dirty job. Apparently, they don't have anything else planned for the day.
Shhh! baby sleeping

Lots of cooking ahead today but first off to visit Emmi & Didi and drop in to Baker Bob's in Almonte. Tomorrow the family come for dinner.

Cat-tip-for-the-day=^..^=attending to the claws
First off, never use scissors on a cat's nails. They tear the nail. There are proper tools to use for trimming nails that can be purchased at any pet store or the clippers to trim human nails can be used successfully. You may need 2 people to do this job, 1 to hold the cat and the other to trim.
Do not cut the quick. It is the pinkish area inside the claw. 
on a personal note: If my cat is just not in the mood and this becomes a real struggle, I trim one or two nails and then try again the next day. Sometimes one or two a day is all a cat can tolerate before it starts to squirm and struggle. Don't stress the cat out...just do a couple a day.

hugs, Deb 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Catching up & Cat-tip-for-the-day=^..^=Saving the furniture

I had time to meet a friend for lunch today. I hadn't seen her for exactly 5 months. How do I know for sure it was five months? Because the last time we sat and enjoyed lunch & some exchanging of recipes was the day that I tore up to the Almonte hospital following the lunch-date to see if my first grand-child had entered the world yet. That was some exciting day.
I enjoy chatting with Barb because she is one of the only women I know who still loves to cook EVERY DAY. She talks about the recipes she has tried lately, the latest kitchen gadget she loves, her addiction to buying cook-books & all the organic produce she can now buy from some local farmer. Her garden, outside her kitchen window, is amazing. She grows, harvests, cooks, cans & bottles everything. When you enter her kitchen you are overtaken by this feeling of familiarity; like you are in your grandmother's kitchen. It is so lively, colourful, friendly & there is such hominess to it. I love her kitchen. 
She always ends our visit with, "Stop in anytime for a I mean it, anytime" and you know she means it. Before I left she handed me a can of salmon for Kane. "Wolves eat salmon so I am sure Kane will love it". Well, he does love salmon and he likes to think of himself as a wolf and he enjoyed his dinner tonight. "Thanks, Barb" from Kane.

Cat-tip-for-the-day=^..^=Saving your furniture 
Cats scratch objects for 2 distinct reasons; to sharpen front claws by removing loose scales and fragments of skin, and to leave a visible mark which will be noted by other cats. Some surfaces tend to be repeatedly scratched and smell signals from the footpads provide semi-permanent marks of possession. The longer an object or piece of furniture has been used by the cat as a scratching post the more difficult it becomes to provide  substitute. If you are starting with a kitten, introduce it to a scratching post immediately. Hold the kitten
near the post and position the paws appropriately. It will soon learn what to do and most likely use the post from then on.
Owners who want to redirect their cat's scratching of furniture or draperies should first offer an alternative material close to the existing scratching area. Soft, raw pine-wood is often a favorite but some cats prefer a cloth covered wood. When you introduce the post, cover or remove the items that have been inappropriately scratched.  If that is not possible, cat-repellent or a strong-scented polish on the scratched area may avert the cat.

Personally, I have added fire-wood to the area where my cats spend most of their time. It is left on the floor lying flat so when the cats scratch it, it stays still and does not rock. The cats enjoy tearing away at the real wood just like they would love to scratch a real tree outdoors.

Another helpful hint for scratching is to keep your cat's nails trimmed at all times. Tomorrow I will post some tips on nail-trimming.

hugs, Deb

Thursday, October 21, 2010

In hopes of meeting more kitties

Since selling my dog biscuit business I have expanded the area in which I will be offering in-home cat-care. I love to work in small towns because every small town has its' unique & enticing attractions and unless I have a reason to go there I may not visit often. I am now covering Almonte, Pakenham, Beckwith, Smiths Falls, Balderson & Perth. Looking forward to meeting many new clients.

Almonte, Ont. I always head to Baker Bob's after lovin' up Lucy
.                                                                  "Hi, Lucy"

Photo taken in Pakenham, Ontario, home of one of the best General Stores/Bakery's around. I can't wait to meet kitties from this town. Someone drove by and pointed at me. Probably were saying ..."There's that crazy cat lady".
hugs, Deb