Since Joey & Rae-Rae have been staying with us, things have changed a bit around here. They arrived in May with their litter box, dinner bowls and the attitude that most young cats own. Rae-Rae had no fear and presented herself to the ol' ones with great confidence. Joe hid in a room until he conjured up some nerve and then entered our livingroom, puffed up like a peacock and ready to strutt his stuff. He demanded to be an indoor-outdoor cat so off he went with his name-tag on with my daughter's supervision and Rae-Rae was happy just to explore the new digs and get to know the geriatrics.
**Zoooooom** became her nick-name as most times she was just a streak of colour going by and to this day I can't believe she has any brain-cells left after crashing into the kitchen wall hundreds of times in pursuit of a run-away fuzzy mouse. Her appetite was disgraceful (this gal did not eat like a bird) and she would knock over the 'ol ones to be the first to the food dish. It was like watching a game of bowling....pins flying everywhere. She'd eat and then lay beside the others and watch them eat. She found them very amusing and sometimes would try to play with their tails while they ate.
*BAFF!* She'd get it..right in the noggin'. She learned eventually that the 'ol ones called the shots and she was to behave. Joe & Rae-Rae were good buddies when he was around but his time was spent outside keeping our area free of rodents. He is a hunter and that's that.
They will be packing up their litter box, dinner bowls & their attitude soon to be moving on. I'll be handing an extra suitcase to Rae to fill with all her fuzzy mice (after they are retrieved from under the fridge). Sure, I spoiled her with trinkets and she probably is a little chubby because of all the treats but she will exercise it off soon running the stairs at her new home. I think the 'ol ones will be happy to see the tail-end of these two since they like the quiet life now and have no interest in watching a male cat strutt around like Dirty Harry. They prefer to play board-games.
I am going to miss them. Joe makes me laugh and I have fallen completely in love with Rae.
She rubs her head on my face when I pick her up..."You belong to me" she is saying. Yes, I do Rae. I counted the blocks from my home to their new home and it is 7. I can make that in 5 minutes with my runners on. :)
hugs, Deb