The roads yesterday were *NUTS*.
My driveway
Snow and ice bits falling, slush everywhere, dull, dark and windy. . I did get to all the cats but it took longer than it should have. They are fed, watered, cleaned up and told to be happy and thankful that they are in-door cats.
This has to be the 'in like a lion' for March..
One good thing to take note of on this snowy day, scared kitty surprised me with a kitchen visit. Her owner told me not to expect to see her at all. I would most likely be looking under beds for a glimpse of her. Well, this is what I have been seeing for three days.
Conversations have been one-sided, me with a guarded, calm voice and her with saucer eyes and a low growl. BUT...while dishing out the stinky goodness, she appeared behind me with a look that said, "Despite loathing you, you are my meal ticket so here I am."
Me...(in a calm, quiet voice) "Well, looky here. Your curiosity has finally got the best of you. I'm sure if you just sit there and watch you will see I am not an ax-murderer. I am your friendly, feline aficionado."
Me..."That will be enough of that. You have abused me since Sunday so let's just get along now, ok?"
Me..."Did I mention how gorgeous you are?"
Me..."Okay then, here's your breakfast" I move one foot towards her dinner spot.
Her..."hiss", she stomps off.
Baby steps. I really do believe we are getting somewhere.
I'll be adding time to my visits today just with the snowbanks I'll have to climb over.
How we all long for Spring.
hugs, Deb