is my favorite time of year.
Oh, I know what's comin' but I am a Canadian so I should be able to survive. No guarantees, though.
For now, I will enjoy the beauty of our maples, the change in colour and texture of our perennials and the gift of the resident birds preparing for the new season and the colder weather to come.
While out filling feeders this morning, I enjoyed the visuals and the sound of the geese flying high in the sky as they head south.
Why, even Simon popped out of his hidey-hole as they flew over the trees next to the old white pump.
"What is all that racket?"
But he soon didn't care.
"Oh, ok then."
It's fun to capture the beauty of the morning.
And look at today's haul from the garden.
Beans will be the side dish with dinner tonight.
I moved my garden kitty to the front today.
Our whisker-less greeter.
I wish each and every one of you could drop by to sit in an adirondack chair and share tea and muffins :)
With any luck, you would meet Simon or his lady friend because both are nosy little posies and would come by for a visit.
(lady friend)
I've named her Simone.
And this guy would be all over you.
David...King of the wild frontier
Enjoy your evening.
hugs, Deb