
Friday, April 9, 2010


A really nice morning spent with many cat-sitting clients. This is Smudge. She is adorable. Here we are reading a book together. Well, I read and she listened. Have you ever done that? Cats love to be read to. I used to love to read to my children and now I read to the cats. hahahaha! I will have someone to read to very soon though. (be still my heart)
"Put away the book, Deb and rub my tummy."
That's more like it.

After cat-sitting it was time to get some biscuits made for the dog-cookie business. When I make carrot crunchies or apple scruffs I use freshly-juiced product. Here is my favorite of all kitchen appliances. I always make a big glass of this concoction for me too. Yummy!

Can you do the '5 servings of fruit and veggies a day'? Here's how...


  1. What a darling picture of you and Smudge!!!
    We are own our way over to your kitchen to join you for a glass of yummy juice.
    Dip-C(Madi)Esmarillda (mom) for today,

  2. Smudge is a beautiful girl!...Have a great weekend.
