
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We give thanks

A small family gathering. We toast our little 'traveller' on this Thanksgiving day. We sure do miss her.

And a bit of cat-sitting here and there. Meet Zoe. She wandered on to the property of her new owners and never left. They expect she came from a near-by barn. Can you imagine a cat this stunning living in a barn. She looks like she may be part Bengal. What a fun, ball of energy this girl is.
I was so busy this weekend I forgot to take photos of 6 cats in one home that I cared for over Thanksgiving. The owners did say "Keep the key" so you know what that means. I promise next time I won't forget.


There are 137 cats at the shelter that Annie and her babes came from. When I picked them up from their cage the total that day was 104. What the heck is going on? Why are so many cats being dumped, abandoned, given up or found wandering these days? I think it has gotten worse rather than better over the last few years. When the 8 weeks are up how will I ever send them back there? I will be spending the next 3 weeks looking for homes for the kittens and Annie so please wish me luck. I am very particular about homes for cats and this will be something I take very seriously. I'm going to make this PRIORITY #1.

hugs, Deb


  1. Zoe is exceptionally beautiful! (I had a kitty named Zoe once. I still miss her!)

  2. I just lost the other part of my comment! Anyway, good luck finding the kittens and mom homes. I know you'll do a great job.

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! I know you will find homes for Annie and the kittens, they are all so sweet!

  4. I used to go on adoption day and be a kitten pusher. Not much will get a kitten into a home faster then asking a potential adopter if they would like to hold a kitten (take two, they're small) I was utterly shameless.. :)

  5. With all the kitties at the shelter, I would be afraid Annie's kitties would get lost in the shuffle. And Annie, precious Annie, with all of the kitties where would she be? But I do know that your shelter is a very fine one.
    The whole situation at most shelters is so sad. Our no-kills are refusing any new cats and the county has a sign at the door saying that if you turn in any cats, they most likely will be euthanized. Any motherless kittens or kittens requiring any intervention are euthanized immediately. Anything elderly, and that means greater than 5-7 years also is euthanized. When will this madness end?

  6. Maybe she's a Bengal cross? Whatever she is...stunning!!!
