
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Open House 24/7

I added a little something to the retired-guys 'to do' list this week. He's been helping me with my new-found-hobby and building and hanging bird houses around the property. We are keeping them close to the mouse-house so we can enjoy the activity they may bring.
Here's the latest one with a cathedral roof. We found the perfect old maple that would make a fine spot for a new feathered family. As soon as the varnish dried, I headed out after the snow-squall (yep, still having them) and added one more house 'For Rent'.

Notice, before hanging, the perch has been removed. I read that the birds do not need it and if not removed it becomes a place for predators to hang on as they do their dirty deed.
Well, we can't have that now.  

So far, there was one little starling drop by for a tour of the popular blue house.
She stayed awhile and looked at the home from many angles. I expect she may be back with her hubby to make the final decision.

It's an 'Open House' 

The sun is out

and the creatures are stirring.

Wishing you a lovely day.

hugs, Deb


  1. I really like the cathedral roof! Hope some birdie family moves in soon.

  2. Lovely bird house . Hope you get lots of tenants in your bird houses ! The sun finally came out here after a snow fall that was a surprise this morning thankfully it is all melting now . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  3. Nice digs! I'm sure the for rent sign will need to be taken down soon!

  4. Your new bird house is awesome. I didn't know that about a perch... good information. Thank you. I am so glad you are enjoying your new hobby and the birds must love all the attention!

    Your blue and white look wonderful there in the step back. It gave me a smile today... thanks!


  5. Your cupboard looks so lovely there! And I love the cathedral! I don't know if any birds have found my houses but they are certainly being seed pigs! Which, of course, Lizzie adores!

  6. I am hoping you get some sweet little Wrens...
    They will amaze you with their beautiful song....
    Of course....a Chickadee would also be fine!
    Enjoy your evening...
    Linda :o)

  7. I'm loving all your sweet little bird houses! I hope each one is filled!

  8. Cute house
    Re perch - my understanding, different breeds do/don't need them. House size, hole size, perch/not will attract different birds.
    Of course, all bets off if squirrel gnaws at hole
