
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Loving the sun

I didn't plan to post today but I have a little note about the ferals....
Last night as I was placing food for the ferals a little vibrant calico appeared out from behind one of the trucks. I had seen her once before and wondered about her because she meowed at me and feral cats do not do that. It bothered me that she may be a lost domesticated cat. I didn't see her again for about a month and tonight there she was and she was meowing at me again. It was 8pm, dark and cold. I got down to her level and called her over (not easy at -16 degrees) and waited. She walked right up to me and let me pet her. She stared me right in the face and became very vocal. This cat was someone's pet at one time and now she is in with these ferals. There are no houses near this spot, only industrial buildings. She was hungry and went right to the food. I didn't have any way of bringing her home plus the dog was in the car so my plan is to bring my cage today and if she is there again I will scoop her up. She will need to be seen by my vet first and foremost and then plans will have to be made for her. Stay tuned....
This is a Calico Cat

hugs, Deb


  1. Oh Deb I hope she is there again and you can rescue her! Calico's are so pretty. Let us know! Love the kitties in the sun. Charlie has been following the sunbeams in our house also.

  2. I read these in backwards order...I read the post first that you were able to bring her in and now this one! YAY!! You are sooo special!

  3. Checking in after several days away -- I'm glad you were able to bring in Calico -- she's gorgeous!

  4. Poor sweet kitty ~ I'm so glad she found you Deb! She'll be in good hands!
    xo Catherine
