This is the first picture of Kane & I taken 9 years ago when I brought him home from the shelter in Belleville, Ontario. The shelter staff told me he had been hit and abused by his previous owner and would need a lot of care and patience from us if he was to recover. You won't believe this but neither Gary nor myself had ever owned a dog and we were taking on a 'special' case with Kane.

Kane will be 10 years old this month and he is a well-loved, family dog. We have done our best with him and today he still has 'issues' that we have to live with everyday. He is fearful of strangers and would really just rather have nothing to do with them. He is not comfortable with male dogs and has gotten in to a couple of scraps because of it. He is terrified of loud noises and will hide in the house if he hears thunder or fireworks. He hates to be left behind (but he's a good dog and never destroys anything and just lies around with the cats) and he is a wimp when it comes to having anything done to him so both Gary & I have to take him to the vet to be sure that he doesn't snap at the vet. :(
I am a little envious of these dog owners who have dogs that are so adaptable to every situation but I knew when I brought Kane home that he would never be that kind of dog. He loves us and we love him and that's that.
''Did you eat your blueberries today?" (Kane spits them out)
I was telling my husband about you,and he asked where you lived, I told him and he said..would you like to go visit her? He thinks it would be a good idea to go visit some of my nice friends here in blog-land or have them all come here! LOL I would love that. You guys are the best, what a blessing for Kane, I think he is just beautiful and a blessing for you also! :D
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful dog and what a wonderful thing to do. One of our best pets came from the pound. The animals always seem to be 'thankful'. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Hope you come by often.
ReplyDeleteI think you have done wonderfully with Kane. Probably having no preconceptions about dogs helped you, a lot. Kane looks like a happy boy, and I'm happy you have him!
ReplyDeleteMomKat Trish
So glad Kane found a loving forever home with people as kind hearted as you guys; he is a gorgeous baby, no doubt, a real sweetheart...Only evil people hurt animals, but it takes special people to try to heal them...Kiss that beautiful boy for me, Deb!
ReplyDeleteKane looks so sweet and how sad that he was abused. It hurts me to just think about it. I am so glad that you and your husband are the good kind people you are.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy you adopted Kane. When I adopted my dog Sadie she had some issues similar to what you described. She's been with me now for about nine years and I just love her to pieces. Sadie has settled down quite a bit but still occasionally has issues. Please give Kane a little scratch behind the ears and a kiss from me and Sadie.